Saturday, December 09, 2006

Change in Teams

Wow, this week was a pretty interesting week.
On Monday, my team leader talked to me explaining that after my current tasks have finished, there is absolutely no work scheduled for me. Because of this, the guys at the top wanted me to move to a new team within the company. This new team will streamline all implementation processes by integrating different products into a solution before deploying to the customer. By doing this, it means that implementation won't have to re-invent the wheel all the time, saving costs and earning money in the process.
The reaction? Absolutely stoked! It's about time I shifted teams after being in the same team for two years, and I don't have to maintain the codebase for two dead products, which I've been doing for the past year. From what I can see, there won't be any support issues to deal with, it's new and exciting work, and the work will benefit the company greatly (which brings increased personal satisfaction). Last, but not least, I get to work with different people, so it's all quite refreshing.
Well this week was spent frantically finishing off those remaining development tasks and doing handovers to those poor developers tasked to maintaining the codebase I've been faithfully looking after. I wish them well; it's not a pretty job maintaining stinky product code.

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