Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Top Ten of 2013 Part 2

The conclusion of my top ten of the Year of the Snake. Without further ado, I'll continue the countdown at number 5.

5: Pacing Duty and the Reading Half Marathon
Throughout the year, and I hope for many years to come, I've found myself assisting a lot of runners wanting to meet a particular goal when it comes to running and racing, whether it's a certain time or a big personal best. From parkrun, to the longer 10k and the more challenging half marathon. And I'm glad to say that almost all the runners I've helped have met their targets. But, in reality there's nothing special about my help; all that's needed is a runner who has trained hard and who is willing to respond under challenging situations quickly and decisively. And also, me being able to run that goal time without too much trouble on my part!

It's also redefined my definition of success. Success isn't always a podium finish, or a big contract, or a massive marathon PB; it's also being faithful with your gifts and finding a way to use them to serve others.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Top Ten of 2013 Part 1

Out of all animals in the animal kingdom, the snake is right up there in my least favourite animals section. I am scared of snakes as much as other people are afraid of spiders. So, it's not a surprise that 2013, the Year of the Snake, turned out to be a very mixed year for me.

Last year, the Year of the Dragon, was a dream year as I flamed into life with big moves, assurance, passion and extreme ambitions..... and winning! But, flying high ultimately leads to come down and I spent most of this year crawling slowly on the ground, trying not to be swallowed up by the cracks.
2013 - the Year of the Snake in the Chinese zodiac.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

London Marathon 2013 - Race Report

Have you ever wanted something so badly, but you didn't get it? Well, that was how I felt about the London Marathon. After last year's dream period of running, it was time that I needed to be brought back down to earth. On a warm day, in the world's greatest city, I ran 3:39:18, a far cry from my 3:03:10 PB in Chicago only 6 months ago.

Don't get me wrong - I'm very grateful that I ran the London Marathon. I've dreamt about this moment for a very long time now - from those multiple entries in the public ballot where I didn't get chosen, to finally achieving a Good For Age time in early 2012, so I'm extremely happy to have fulfilled a major running goal of mine. But I also dreamt of that sub-3 hour marathon time and it didn't happen for me..... but that's the reason why dreams are big and they're hard to get.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Reading Half Marathon 2013 - Race Report

Something is telling me that my running, and the pursuit of my racing goals, needs to take a back seat for now. Six weeks out from the London Marathon, and after a series of poor workouts, I reached breaking point. I ran myself into the ground. I literally couldn't run. It was as if someone inserted an iron rod behind my left knee and I had trouble extending it quickly without pain.

This was a huge blow to my marathon preparation. There was no chance that I would run a 1:27 time at the Reading Half Marathon in a week, which I was treating as a warm-up race, and a sub-3 hour time at London was pretty much gone. I was gutted, and to be honest I'm still reeling from this and I'm losing confidence in my ability to run a good race at London.

The physio advised me to stop all running for a week and withdraw from the Reading Half Marathon, to give me the best possible chance of recovery for London. I asked whether it was possible that I could at least run it very slowly, and, on the condition that I stop if there was any sign of pain, she said that I could.

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

The Top Ten of 2012 Part 2

The conclusion of my top ten of the year 2012. Without further ado, I'll continue the countdown at number 5.

5: Becoming a cyclist
As part of a Twitter competition organised by Transport for London during London 2012, I was fortunate to win a £300 bicycle voucher. Being a full-time runner, I knew nothing about bicycles so I had a bit of trouble finding out what was right for me. Eventually I settled for an entry-level type of bike, a 24-speed hybrid, versatile for both road and off-road cycling. It's served me very well so far, with no problems whatsoever. This is also a great way for me to cross-train, when I need a break from all that running. 
My new ride.