Friday, December 31, 2010

The Top Ten of 2010 Part 2

Continuing where I left off last time, here is part 2 of my Top Ten of 2009. Without further ado, I'll continue the countdown, starting at number 5.

5: Shaun visiting the UK
To have my good mate Shaun visit the UK on business for at least 2 months was a bit like Christmas come early in February. It also coincided with my return from Spain when I wasn't really in a positive frame of mind. So having him in region for a time provided a lot of normality.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Top Ten of 2010 Part 1

I've been really slow in coming up with a post to describe my 2010 year in review, much like my final posts for 2009. I am currently holidaying in my home country, which is currently taking up all my time. I've been thinking about this for a couple of weeks now, but it's only now that I can put aside some time to write something for this blog.

In reflecting on 2010, it has been a rather unsettled year for me. For most of the year I've been on the move, living out of my suitcase and generally not knowing where I'm staying most of the time. This kind of experience can be quite daunting and it has affected my personal life somewhat as I've had to live away from most of my friends in the UK.