Saturday, March 26, 2011

Reading Half Marathon 2011 - What Happened?

In a previous post, I resolved that I wanted to go sub-1:30 at the Reading Half Marathon. The intention was good and a plan was put in place. Yet, I finished 9 minutes outside of my target time and over 5 minutes outside of my PB.

It's always gutting to see plans not going the way you want them to go. As objectively as possible, I've listed out all the reasons I can think of. They might come across as excuses, but that is what really happened and I hope not to fall into the same situation again.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Sun Always Shines On TV

After 8 months in the Nordics, I've finally returned back to the UK. I couldn't have imagined that leaving the UK for a life in Oslo, to work on a massive project fraught with political problems, in a diverse team for such a challenging customer, was definitely one of my best working experiences ever. So, naturally I'm feeling pretty bummed to leave Norway.

One of the first things my colleagues showed me on arrival was this "induction" video. I highly recommend viewing this before reading the rest of this blog post.