Saturday, July 08, 2006

Essential Marathon Preparation - The Long Run: Part 4

Not one of my best runs I'm afraid. I intended to repeat the same course last week and possibly cut 5 mins of my time. This time I could only do a 19 km run, though my decision not to do the full 22 km run was based on whether it was going to rain. Sure enough it did not rain, even though the clouds were looking very ominous. Bad call.

In the latter half of the run I bought some Powerade from the service station for drinking, with some interesting effects. Although it tasted better than water, I started experiencing something of a cramp in my abdominal region. Initially I thought it was a runners stitch, so I slowed down but the feeling didn't go away. This forced me to run very slowly throughout the course, and it had an effect on my mental state as well. For no reason I'd stop and reduce to a walk and find it very hard to get back to a slow jog.

Eventually I completed the 19 km run in a time of 114 mins, exactly 6 mins/km. Next week I will try and get in 25 km and see how that goes.

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