Sunday, February 05, 2006

Learning Moonlight Sonata 3rd movement

I've decided to blog my progress with regards to piano......

Beethoven Moonlight Sonata 3rd Movement

This movement I have been meaning to learn for 15 years, after learning the 1st and 2nd movements with relative ease. The third is a difficult beast to learn.

So far, I've taken the piece slowly. I think it's easy to learn the notes, but diffcult to get up to speed in certain places. Changing the melody between the left and right hand is quite difficult as well, especially when playing at speed.

The good thing is that it is quite repetitive in places (arpeggios, melody in different keys), so hopefully that will help the learning.

At the moment I'm working on the melodic section in the middle of the movement where the melody changes hands from right to left. That is the part that keeps tripping me over. Who knows what other trips and traps will be in store......

Slow practice and do it right. Hopefully in a month, I should have this one under my belt, and at last the whole sonata is complete. Woo hoo.

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