Saturday, October 08, 2005

Virtuoso? Yeah right!

I usually visit the local elderly resthome on Saturdays. Today a music teacher couple that I know (Bob teaches violin/guitar and Gail teaches piano) brought a few of their young music students along to perform for the elderly. Now I accompany one of Bob's violin students on the piano, so really I had to turn up. A couple of days beforehand, Bob asked me if I could accompany his violin student, as well as play a solo piece, to which I obliged.

For the piece, it was a toss-up between Chopin's Grande Valse Brilliante, with its virtuosic sparkle and witty appoggiaturas, or Chopin's Raindrop Prelude with its regular rhythms imitating drops of water falling on the roof in the night.

On the day there was a young guitar student, two young pianists, the violinist and me. They played their items and they were really well done. Finally it was my turn to make a fool of myself, as Bob placed me second to last on the list. Snap decision, I chose the Valse. It was more difficult than the Raindrop but I thought the elderly would like something uplifting. So I went for it. And I made a few mistakes, wrong notes here and there. Sure the appoggiaturas weren't witty enough, and it was far from virtuosic. But I thought I did okay. Despite the Valse needing more polish, I was pretty happy with it.

Looked like the elderly really enjoyed listening to all the kids playing their stuff so that was great to see.

1 comment:

Aaron on the Run! said...

I also played the Raindrop Prelude as an "encore". Fitting, as it started to rain heavily outside.