Have you ever wanted something so badly, but you didn't get it? Well, that was how I felt about the London Marathon. After last year's dream period of running, it was time that I needed to be brought back down to earth. On a warm day, in the world's greatest city, I ran 3:39:18, a far cry from my 3:03:10 PB in Chicago only 6 months ago.
Don't get me wrong - I'm very grateful that I ran the London Marathon. I've dreamt about this moment for a very long time now - from those multiple entries in the public ballot where I didn't get chosen, to finally achieving a Good For Age time in early 2012, so I'm extremely happy to have fulfilled a major running goal of mine. But I also dreamt of that sub-3 hour marathon time and it didn't happen for me..... but that's the reason why dreams are big and they're hard to get.