I am a runner. For as long as I live. I've run many miles. Hundreds, if not thousands. I am also a successful consultant living the dream in Europe. If I had to describe myself in three words, the blog title says it all.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Joining the iPod generation
But today, I've finally succumbed to temptation, and in anticipation of my impending overseas experience, my collection of music, videos and pictures must come with me.
I did the unthinkable! I bought an iPod! A 16GB iPod Touch, to be exact!
The decision on what type of iPod to buy was quite easy. I had a bunch of music, videos, and pictures to take with me, so an iPod Nano wasn't going to be enough, especially adding content to it. The wi-fi capabilities of the iPod Touch look amazing, and could come in handy, especially if I needed to access Google or if I wanted to see the latest clips on YouTube. All in all, a pretty sexy toy to have.
The bad thing? Price! The 32GB version, which was the version that I decided to get, amounts to nearly $750. But the store that I went to ran out of 32GB versions, and stocks were expected to come in 7 days. I leave the country in 7 days! Rather than wait, I opted for the 16GB version and also got a discount as well! I figure 16GB is enough for me, my collection of music, video and pictures isn't that big.
I've been converted. I've conformed to the masses of people of who own mp3 players.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Big Changes
First off, apologies for not updating this blog for such a long time. Things just happen and happen, and it's no surprise that everything got so out of control, I haven't had time to blog anything.
Big changes, in a nutshell. The biggest change is that I may be heading overseas as early as next month, to start my OE. I am excited, and apprehensive about the whole thing. Excited, as in I get to live in another country. But apprehensive, as in what happens if the whole thing goes to crap?
A couple of months ago, I applied for a UK visa under the HSMP category. I just received news that the Home Office are taking ages to process applications, and it's unlikely I will get my visa processed by the time I originally anticipated (early July). Now the company desperately needs people in July, and the only way to meet that need is if I go without my visa. This means that I will need to return home and get my visa, before heading to the UK again. This short trip to the UK means I can look around for the best places to settle before finally committing to a single location where I'll be based. It will be a great introduction to the lifestyle over there.
Of course I had an introduction before, when I went to Oxford in April as part of representing my company at IHE Connectathon. I was only there for 8 days, which was hardly enough time to look around and meet various friends over there. But it was enjoyable, and our presence at IHE Connectathon was a great success.I will be waiting in anticipation as to whether I am able to go next month. All signs point to yes.